
Government tells care homes to take COVID-19 patients by October

Government tells care homes to take COVID-19 patients by October

15th Oct 2020

Tom Surrey, director for Adult Social Care Quality at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), sent a letter telling local authorities they need to ‘identify designated accommodation’ and then notify the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of the details of these facilities as soon as tomorrow (16 … read more
Care home residents with atypical Covid-19 symptoms

Care home residents with atypical Covid-19 symptoms

14th Aug 2020

New research suggests that care home residents should be tested even if they are feeling generally unwell, as those with coronavirus may be asymptomatic or not display typical symptoms.According to the study by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and North Norfolk Primary Care, supported by UEA Heal … read more
Social Care Reform Needed Within A Year

Social Care Reform Needed Within A Year

9th Jul 2020

Plans to adequately fund the social care sector need to be in place within a year, the head of NHS England has said.Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr programme, Sir Simon said the Covid-19 pandemic should be used to give momentum to plans to overhaul how the system works.He said the Covid-19 cr … read more
88-year-old care home resident who beat COVID-19

88-year-old care home resident who beat COVID-19

2nd Jul 2020

Ms Ashburner, 88-year-old care home resident, was rushed to Croydon University Hospital on the 21 March, where she was tested positive for COVID-19 on admission. The Manse Residential Care Home had been treating her as a COVID-19 patient but were waiting for the test results to arrive.& … read more
The number of people waiting for NHS treatment could double to 10 M

The number of people waiting for NHS treatment could double to 10 M

10th Jun 2020

The COVID-19 crisis could cause the NHS waiting list numbers to double, reaching 10 million by the end of the year, assuming the health service makes a steady return to full capacity within the next 12 months.This could happen due to the backlog of cases, social distancing measures and the number of … read more
Test & Trace System Won't Be Fully Operational Until The End of June

Test & Trace System Won't Be Fully Operational Until The End of June

29th May 2020

England’s test and trace system, won’t be fully operational until the end of June. This is the system that has been designed to identify people who may have been exposed to others who have tested positive for coronavirus. UK prime minister Boris Johnson, said that by the 1st of June, the system woul … read more