Good Care Month 2024

16th Jul 2024

Good Care Month 2024

Join us in celebrating Good Care Month!

Good Care Month is celebrated every year in the month of July, as recognised by Hertfordshire Care Providers Association. It is a dedicated time to identify and appreciate the invaluable contributions of those in the adult social care sector. This month provides a perfect opportunity to honour your staff by sharing their stories and achievements in their care careers.

Good Care Month also aims to attract more individuals to explore careers in adult social care by highlighting the positive aspects of this essential sector. The demand for adult social care is growing rapidly, but the workforce is struggling to keep pace. In 2022/23, England had 1.79 million adult social care roles, with 1.635 million filled positions and 152,000 vacancies. Despite a significant increase in international recruitment, the number of vacancies remains high (Source: The King’s Fund).

In 2022/23, the vacancy rate in the adult social care sector in England stood at 9.9%, which is higher than the NHS vacancy rate in England (8%) and significantly above the UK average vacancy rate (3.4%)(Source: The King’s Fund). This disparity underscores the critical need for more workers in the adult social care sector. The high vacancy rate is a pressing issue that impacts the quality of care provided to vulnerable adults. It also places additional pressure on the existing workforce, who must often manage increased workloads and longer hours.

This month provides an opportunity to encourage more people to join and remain in the care sector. It is important to highlight the hard work of care professionals and make them feel valued. Here are some ways to honour them:

  1. Express Gratitude: A simple thank you can go a long way. Let care professionals know their efforts are valued and appreciated. Consider implementing a "Carer of the Month" award to celebrate the exceptional performance of outstanding carers.
  2. Share Stories: Highlight the experiences and stories of your staff on social media, blogs, and community newsletters.
  3. Provide Support: Provide resources, training, and support to help care professionals excel in their roles. Comprehensive training not only boosts their confidence but also enhances their skills, enabling them to deliver the highest quality care. CareTutor offers video-based eLearning for mandatory, care home , home care and care certificate courses. Our courses are developed alongside industry experts for high quality and are engaging and interactive with animations and live-action videos. No one understands that High Quality Care comes with High Quality Training better than us.

  4. Host Events: Organise events or gatherings to celebrate your staff and their contributions.
  5. Advocate for them: Support policies and initiatives that improve the working conditions and well-being of care professionals.

Additionally, there are many ways Hertfordshire Care Providers Association is asking you to get involved this Good Care Month:

  • Send in photos of daily care and activities within your care setting
  • Send in short video messages from staff about why they love working in care.
  • Ask your clients for one piece of advice to share with the younger generations. Write it out on a board including their first name.
  • Nominate a staff member to be interviewed by HCPA about their career in care.

Visit the Hertfordshire Care Providers Association to learn more and submit your photos, videos and to nominates your staff.

Make sure you give them Consent to upload these pictures and videos, by clicking here to use these pictures and videos. You can also post on social media with #GoodCareMonth to show how you are celebrating Good Care Month. Don’t forget to tag CareTutor as we would love to see your posts and reshare them.

Follow us onFacebook to stay updated with the latest in social care and to learn about awareness days to help you and your team get involved!

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